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CreatedJuly 25, 2019
StatusExpired (has quotes: 3)
Ship To Santiago, Santiago Metropolitan, Chile
ContactsHidden for viewing. Expired

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List of spare parts

Model Part No Description Qty
Komatsu 6221-K1-9900 GASKET KIT,CYLINDER HEAD New, Reconditioned, Used; Original, OEM, Aftermarket 1 pcs Price request
Komatsu 6222-K2-3002 GASKET KIT,CYLINDER BLOCK New, Reconditioned, Used; Original, OEM, Aftermarket 1 pcs Price request
Komatsu 6221-21-8050 THRUST METAL ASS'Y New, Reconditioned, Used; Original, OEM, Aftermarket 1 pcs Price request
Komatsu 6221-21-8010 CRANKSHAFT BEARING New, Reconditioned, Used; Original, OEM, Aftermarket 1 pcs Price request
Komatsu 6222-31-1102 CRANKSHAFT ASS'Y New, Reconditioned, Used; Original, OEM, Aftermarket 1 pcs Price request
Komatsu 6222-31-3040 CRANK PIN METAL A New, Reconditioned, Used; Original, OEM, Aftermarket 1 pcs Price request
Komatsu 6222-31-3100 New, Reconditioned, Used; Original, OEM, Aftermarket 1 pcs Price request

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